Engineering (Development) and Plan Review

Engineering plan review services involve evaluating and approving various aspects of construction and land development projects to ensure compliance with the applicable Building Code, Fire Code, and NFPA Standards. These services include the review of plans for new buildings, access roads, water supply systems for subdivisions, tenant improvements in existing commercial properties, installation and modification of fire suppression and life safety systems, high-piled combustible storage systems, hazardous materials storage, and process piping systems.
For any land development project or construction activity requiring a building permit, construction document plans and supporting data must be submitted to the fire district. These submissions, which can be in electronic or paper format, should accompany the construction permit application. All construction documents must be drawn to scale and provide clear details of the proposed work, including the location, nature, and extent of the project. The plans must demonstrate compliance with the fire code, as well as all relevant laws, ordinances, and regulations.
Electronic plan submittals need to be in PDF format. To submit plans please email them to ***
Permitt Application
Application for Fire Conditioning Letter